Monitoring of the intake air flow rate from an airplane painting hangar
Painting hangar | StackFlow 200
Customer: Repair and painting hangar within an airport
Material: Intake air
Installation: Exhaust treated air ducts
Function: Detection of decreased air flow due to malfunction of air suction fans


An airplane and helicopter production and repair company needs to monitor the accumulation of dust and solvents in the air inside a hangar where vehicles are being maintained and repaired. The air treatment and circulation system must make sure that the exchange of air is sufficient. In normal working conditions, the air flow inside each expulsion duct is about 20 m/s. In case the flow would decrease, or the velocity drop below 5 m/s, it’s necessary to promptly trigger a malfunction alarm of the related fan.

The solution is monitoring the variation of flow over the time, that will in addition allow to check that the active carbon filter does not generate an excessive pressure drop. This would indeed indicate a partial obstruction of the filter and the need of maintenance.


The hangar has 2 independent air suction + treatment systems with active carbon filters. Each system uses 4 parallel air fans mounted in separate expulsion ducts. The flow is continuously measured after each of the 8 fans.

The chosen solution from ENVEA is the gas flow measuring system StackFlow 200.

In order to optimize the wiring and the interface, the flow measuring sensors are connected in groups of 4 to 2 PRO Control Units: each air suction and treatment system is therefore using 4 measuring probes and 1 Control Unit mounted in an easily accessible location.

This layout is possible thanks to the ability of ENVEA sensors to be connected in series and/or parallel to a single Control Unit.


  • Early detection of any malfunctioning of the intake fans.
  • Prevent insufficient air exchange within the hangar.
  • Single point of real-time supervision for all installed sensors.
  • QAL1 Certification

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